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Systems for Student Success Office

Networks & Convenings

Information about future Institutes will be posted here as soon as available.

2020 MTSS Planning Institute

This opportunity was developed in response to educator feedback from September's MTSS Leadership Institute, requesting additional guidance, professional development, tools, resources, and facilitated planning time to help them design, implement, and lead cohesive tiered systems of support. Materials and resources from the Institute

MTSS Leadership Institute: September 26–27, 2019

This year, the Department piloted a free, two-day Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Leadership Institute for district and school-level administrators from over 65 districts and LEAs. This opportunity was developed in response to recent survey feedback from educators who requested additional guidance, professional development, tools, and resources to help them design, implement, and lead cohesive tiered systems of support. Materials and resources from the Institute

Leading with Access & Equity Convening: October 24, 2019

All districts are invited to send a team to the second annual Leading with Access and Equity Convening on Thursday, October 24 at the Best Western Conference Center in Marlborough. This free, daylong professional development opportunity will focus on systems and strategies to meet students' holistic needs and ensure that every child has equitable access to a world-class education. The event will focus on topics such as creating a pipeline of diverse educators, developing multi-tiered systems of support, ensuring equitable access to high-quality curriculum, implementing bilingual education, ensuring racial and cultural equity, engaging families, addressing student mobility, addressing students' mental health needs, and integrating social emotional and academic learning. Many districts are engaged in multiple initiatives across DESE offices, and this is an opportunity to align those efforts, make connections, and share practices. Presenters will include Dr. Kim Parker, Jessica Minahan, Katie Novak, Engaging Schools, Transforming Education, and other expert district, DESE, and partner organization leaders and practitioners from across the Commonwealth.

Districts are invited to attend as a team of at least three and up to ten members. Teams are encouraged to include a variety of stakeholders, and each team must include representatives of at least the following three areas: administration, general education, and special education.

Registration is now closed. Anyone with questions about the conference can email Susan Fischer at

District Leaders' Network for School Climate, Student Support, and Family Engagement (DLN)

The DLN is a peer learning community where district and school leaders can share information, strategize together, and put a spotlight on the importance of school climate, social emotional learning, family engagement, and student support. The network was born out of the Wraparound Zone Initiative, and participants have the opportunity to connect with peers, share ideas and challenges of practice, and work together to tackle issues and advance common causes to support the holistic needs of all students. One major piece of work that came out of the DLN was the development of a "Conditions for Learning" metric (including student, staff, and family surveys), which is free to any interested school or district.

The first DLN meeting of the 2019-20 school year will take place on November 7 in Springfield. Anyone interested in joining the DLN listserv should contact Andrea Ricotta at

Last Updated: January 18, 2022

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