Rethinking Equity and Teaching for English Language Learners (RETELL)

For-Cost Courses

SEI Endorsement courses are available at a cost through approved providers to individuals and to districts.

Individuals who need or want to earn the SEI endorsement may pay to enroll in SEI Endorsement courses through one of the approved providers listed below. These SEI Endorsement courses were created by the Department and are taught by instructors who have been vetted and trained by the Department, and are an approved pathway to SEI Endorsement for:

  • Educators required to earn the SEI Endorsement in order to advance or renew their license
  • Educators required by their district to earn the SEI Endorsement
  • Non-core educators (art, music, world language, P.E., etc.)
  • Parochial and private school educators

Districts may also book sections of for-cost courses through some of the approved providers listed below.

Approved Providers of For-Cost SEI Endorsement courses

The following organizations are currently approved by the Department to provide the SEI Endorsement Course to educators and to issue SEI Endorsements to individuals who successfully complete those courses. This list is updated periodically as additional providers are approved.

Provider Contact InformationIndividual PricingDistrict Pricing
Bi-County Collaborative
Anna Jewell
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only: $450
3 Graduate credits: additional cost through Worcester State University

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $300
1 Graduate credit: additional cost through Worcester State University
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only: $450 per person for member districts, $495 per person for non-member districts
3 Graduate credit: additional cost through Worcester State University

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $300 per person for member districts, $350 per person for non-member districts
1 Graduate credit: additional cost through Worcester State University

Maximum participants
In district: 30
At BICO Franklin location: call for group pricing
Center for Behavioral Health, Equity, and Leadership in Schools (BHELS)
Laura Tyrell
Phone 617-564-9481
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only: $498
3 Graduate credits: additional $225

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $350
1 Graduate credit: additional $75
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only: $13,000
3 Graduate credits: additional $225 per person
The Collaborative for Educational Services
Allison Church
(413) 588-5941

Please visit Collaborative for Educational Services for more information.
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only: $525
3 Graduate credits: additional $345

SEI Admin Course:
PDPs only: $225
SEI Teacher Course PDPs only: $12,000 (30 person max)
3 Graduate credits: additional $345 per person

SEI Admin Course:
PDPs only: $4,500 (30 person max)
The Education Cooperative (TEC)
Janet Buerklin
(781) 352-5716
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only: $450
3 Graduate Credits: additional $225

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $300
1 Graduate Credit: additional $75
French River Education Center
Ricci Hall
(508) 987-0219 x101
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only:
Blended Course: $450 for member, $500 for non-member
Online Course: $375
3 Graduate credits: additional $300

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $300
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only:
Blended Course: $450 per person for member groups of fewer than 20, $400 per person for member groups of 20 or more
$500 for non-member groups of fewer than 20, $450 for non-member groups of 20 or more
Online Course: $375 per person
3 Graduate credits: additional $300 per person

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $300
Idioma Education & Consulting LLC
Mellissia Walles
(978) 494-6430
Please visit Idioma Education's website for more information.
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only: $450
3 Graduate credits: additional $350

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $200
1 Graduate credit: additional $125
SEI Teacher Course:
PDPs only: $400 per person (Cap at $6,000 per district)
3 Graduate Credits: additional $350 per person
8 person min, 35 person max

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $175 per person (Cap at $3,000)
8 person minimum, 35 person max.
Graduate Credit: additional $125 per person
Massachusetts Association of Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages (MATSOL)
Director of Professional Learning
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only: $395
3 Graduate credits: additional $295

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $295
1 Graduate credit: additional $210
SEI Teacher Course — 30 max
PDPs only: $8,850
3 Graduate credits: additional $295 per person

SEI Admin Course — 30 max
PDPs only: $4,900
1 Graduate credit: additional $210 per person
Ribas Associates & Publications, Inc.
William Ribas , President
(781) 551-9120
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only: $510
3 Graduate credits: $295

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $295
1 Graduate credit: $210
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only: $510 per person (25 person minimum, 40 person max)
3 Graduate credits: additional $295

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $295 per person (10 person minimum, 35 person max)
1 Graduate credit: additional $210
SEEM Collaborative
Catherine Hindle
(781) 279-1361 x1121
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only:
Blended Course: $420
Online Course: $370
3 Graduate credits: additional $295*
3 Undergrad credits: additional $240*

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only:
Blended Course: $250
Online Course: $225
1 Graduate credit: additional $210*

*Subject to change based upon current Fitchburg State University prices
District pricing available for 12 or more participants (30 participant max).

Please call or email for more information.
Southeastern MA Educational Collaborative
Sherri Tetrault
(508) 998-5599 x130 or (508) 998-5959
SEI Teacher Course
PDPs only: $350
3 Graduate credits: additional $225

SEI Admin Course
PDPs only: $325

Some colleges, universities, and other sponsoring organizations have been approved to provide the SEI Endorsement course stand-alone. That means that a participant in the course will be awarded the SEI Endorsement even if they are not enrolled in a pre-service licensure program through the organization offering the course. Each organization has its own fee structure, enrollment rules and procedures, and course format. All courses must meet the minimum requirements for face-to-face instruction, practicum time, and instruction in the required content. Please contact the organization for more information.

Sponsoring OrganizationSEI Stand-Alone ContactSEI Course CostSEI Course PrerequisitesCourse DurationLink to registration site/info page
American International College For Additional Information:
Margaret Kelliher, School Liaison/Director of PD
(413) 654-1744
2 Options:
  1. Endorsement + 67.5 PDPs

  2. Endorsement, 67.5 PDPs, + 3 Graduate Credits
    ($439 c/h)

Additional Option
Purchase 3 Graduate credits for District-Sponsored or Educational Collaborative courses
  1. Must possess an MA Initial or Professional License;
  2. Applicant is not presently enrolled in an AIC Graduate program
45 hrs.–36.5 Face-to-Face, 8.5 on-line

Each Session is on an 8 Week, one day a week, meeting schedule:
Saturdays or Mondays Course Meeting Options Available
AIC: Sheltered English Immersion (SEI)
Boston University $3,200 Practicing teacher or teacher candidate Semester long Registration
Brandeis Rachel Theodorou $3,325 for 4-credit graduate course core or non-core educator employed in a school system; application and interview (details at link below) one semester, one 3-hour class per week for 13–14 weeks SEI Stand-Alone Course
Bridgewater State University Undergraduate: Dr. Emily Spitzman or Dr. Ken Dobush
Link directly to cost information (all BSU SEI stand-alone courses are 3 credits) None 3 credits/45 hours over a full semester Undergraduate

Graduate: Graduate Non-Degree Application
Catherine Leahy Brine $800 for 3 graduate credits Complete registration form and send payment 10 face-to-face sessions and 5 on-line sessions Catherine Leahy-Brine Educational Consultants, Inc.
Collaborative for Educational Services (413) 586-4900, Option 5 or $725 None 13 weeks SEI Endorsement for Teachers (RETELL)
Emmanuel College Contact Graduate and Professional Programs at Rates: Professional Development Rate (67.5 PDPs) = $500; Graduate Credit (3 credits) rate based on college tuition rate Bachelor Degree Accelerated seven-week hybrid; view calendar Graduate & Professional Programs
Endicott College Michelle Mustone , Director of Licensure and Advising , Endicott College School of Education $1,434 None 12 weeks during Fall or Spring semester Registration
Fitchburg State University Center for Professional Studies or 978-665-3636

Undergraduate Cost $610.00

Graduate cost $665.00

Vocational technical teachers currently working in a MA vocational technical high school or CTE program that has ELL students in their classroom

45 hours total

26 hours synchronous

5 hours face to face

14 hours asynchronous

Sheltered English Immersion for Career and Vocational Teacher Endorsement | Fitchburg State University
Framingham State University For Additional Information, contact:
Dr. Anne Roberti
Tuition and Fees
  1. Must possess an MA Initial or Professional License;
  2. Access to a classroom with English Language Learners
Class meetings: Once a week, for 3 hours and 20 minutes

Course duration: 15 weeks

Hours of direct instruction (not including the field-based component): 50 hours
SEI Course for Licensed Teachers
Gordon College $325/credit ($975 total) None 14 weeks Sheltered English Immersion Endorsement Course
Mount Holyoke College Amy Nichols
1 (413) 538-3478
$2,040 for a 3 credit graduate course Currently teaching in a public school classroom with ELL students or access to a classroom 7 weeks (Tue/Thur 4.15 — 8pm – 11 evening sessions between May 30 and July 5) Teaching English Language Learners: Sheltered English Immersion Endorsement Stand Alone
Regis College $500 None Semester long Registration
Salem State University 3 credit course tuition and fees None Full semester Registration
Smith College Gina Wyman , Coordinator of Teacher Education $2,500 for four or eight credit summer session Bachelor's Degree, registration form, and health form required 45 hours of class time plus weekly fieldwork requirement; 5 week summer session (late June through late July)  
UMass Boston Persons interested in the Stand-Alone
SEI course can call the Office of Student Services at (617) 287-7625;
Costs vary. Please see website for current cost of graduate courses (cost is listed per credit). Enrollment by permission only Semester-long (fall or spring) Non-Matriculated Registration Information
Westfield State University Jessica Tansey $500 for PDPs only; $318/graduate credit; Districts should reach out directly for more information Prerequisites are: Holding at least an Initial license and currently working with at least one ELL student to implement lessons for ELLs. 45 hours over 14 weeks SEI (Sheltered English Immersion) Teacher's Endorsement Courses

Last Updated: March 20, 2025