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DESE DesignED Playbook

Illustration and Photography


photography direction
  • Illustrated creatives should be fun and quirky without being childish.

  • Use no more than 4 colors in creatives at a time (excluding skin tones).

  • Incorporate lines, negative space, and color forms in creatives.

  • Avoid over-detailing; further abstract the design if it doesn't lose the message.

  • Use colors exclusively from the identity standards guide.


photography direction
  • Ensure photos and videos are well composed.

  • Maintain a deep depth of field in photos and videos.

  • Include a mix of wide shots and close-up shots in photosets and video compilations.

  • Strive for high contrast and vibrant photos and videos without them feeling overly heavy.

  • Saturate photos and videos just beyond reality, but avoid over-saturation, especially with skin tones.

  • When featuring people in photos or videos, ensure diversity in age, race, gender, ability, religion, etc.

Last Updated: November 5, 2024

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