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Office of Planning and Research

School improvement practices in Massachusetts

DESE has been engaged in research on school improvement and school turnaround in Massachusetts since 2012. The materials produced as part of this research are relevant for any school or district engaged in school improvement efforts-not just schools or districts in DESE turnaround status. In particular, districts will find the Implementation Study, the Turnaround Practices Field Guide, and the Turnaround Video series to be useful in thinking about effective school improvements. All of the turnaround materials can be found on DESE's Turnaround Practices Research and Evaluation Reports page. The turnaround research materials include the 2016 quasi-experimental Impacts Study that documents the significant and positive impact on the achievement of students in those schools that received School Redesign Grants compared to matched-comparison schools that did not receive School Redesign Grants. The Impacts Study, along with the Implementation Study, illustrate the factors that contribute to school turnaround in Massachusetts. The Impact Study meets ESSA's tier 2 level of evidence-based interventions.

For more information about our turnaround research, see DESE's Turnaround Practices Research and Evaluation Reports page.

Last Updated: November 28, 2017

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

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