School Redesign

Innovation Schools or Academies Seeking Renewal

The authorization and renewal of innovation schools and academies occurs at the local level. The renewal process, as outlined by the innovation schools statute Part I, Title XII, Chapter 71, Section 92, identifies a four step renewal process outlined for you below.

Step 1: Convene Stakeholders

School leadership convenes the stakeholder group. Stakeholders include, but are not limited to, administrators, teachers, school staff, parents & external partners, as applicable. Stakeholders discuss whether the innovation plan requires revisions and solicits recommendations as to what the revisions should be.

These discussions should include the MAGs.

Step 2: Innovation Plan Revision Process

School leadership and the superintendent consider recommendations made by the stakeholder group and jointly update the innovation plan as necessary.

Step 3: Teacher Vote (if applicable)

New waivers or exemptions from the local teacher's union contract must be approved by the teachers at the school. Two-thirds vote required for approval.

This is the only time that teachers will have to vote.

Step 4: School Committee Vote

Approval of the majority of the school committee as fully constituted shall be required to extend the period of an innovation school for not more than 5 years. If approval is not obtained, the school leadership and superintendent may revise the innovation plan and resubmit for a subsequent vote.

If the school committee does not extend the authorization of the school, the leadership of the school may seek the authorization from the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (Board). The Board shall vote on the requested extension within 60 days of its receipt for approval of such extension.

Last Updated: July 7, 2023