The TIME (Time for Innovation Matters in Education) Collaborative is an initiative of the Ford Foundation and the National Center on Time and Learning (NCTL) purposed with developing high-quality and sustainable expanded learning time (ELT) schools across member states (currently, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, Tennessee and Colorado). In Massachusetts, the TIME Collaborative has offered capacity-building grants for districts to redesign school schedules to accommodate and sustain at least 300 additional hours. At a minimum, grant applicants must propose adopting ELT in at least two district schools serving any configuration of grades K-8, which are designated as Level 3 or 4 with at least 60% of students eligible for free- or reduced-priced lunch.
In close cooperation with the ESE, the TIME Collaborative launched in the fall of 2012 with its first Massachusetts cohort of grantees, selected to participate in an initial year of intensive capacity-building and technical assistance. From this group, a number of districts applied for and received competitive grant funding ($500 per student) through 21st Century Community Learning Centers for implementation of their ELT plans in the fall of 2013. Districts receiving 21st CCLC ELT funding are expected to supplement implementation grant funds through a combination of new, repurposed, and redirected resources. (Note: 21st CCLC ELT grants are not restricted to schools/districts participating in the TIME Collaborative, nor are districts receiving TIME Collaborative capacity-building grants guaranteed implementation funding).
Expectations of Implementation (2013)
Last Updated: October 4, 2013
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
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