Professional Development

PD Provider: Learning Seeds, Inc.

Contact Information
Learning Seeds, Inc.
21 Drydock Avenue
Boston, MA 02210

Erica Key
Founder & Chief Learning Officer

Provider Details
Corporation, Partnership, or Other Company
Mentoring/Coaching, Training Session/Workshop
Teachers, Teacher leaders, Coaches, Paraprofessionals
Face-to-Face, Blended (Hybrid), Online
10 events or fewer
0-5 years
Brief Description of Services
Learning Seeds ( is an educator-led, technology-driven social benefit company dedicated to helping children ages 3 to 5 engage positively with the group experience. Our professional development program is directly informed by our own Boston-based practice. Our team of specialists works with children at school and on the playground who are struggling with exploration, interaction, and pretend play among their peers. So that all early learners may have an equal opportunity to develop the “learning to learn” skills afforded by positive engagement, we solve daily realities for kids facing challenges – many of whom will go on to receive a social/communication diagnosis – and their teachers. In our professional development programs, we coach and model the framework and the strategies that have been so successful for us in guiding struggling children toward positive engagement with their environment and their peers. We extend personalized, job-embedded coaching to educators everywhere, offering the expert methods and solutions of our team of practitioners. Our programs cultivate optimism and a sense of agency for our educator colleagues, whose challenges – and triumphs – we know well. We offer teachers voice and choice as they grow in their roles.

Content Area(s)
Content CategoryDetailsGrade LevelsEducator Evaluation Standards
Safe & Supportive Learning Environments*Behavioral Health *Classroom management and disciplineLower Elementary (Pre-K, K, 1, 2)T-I: Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment
T-IV: Professional Culture

District/SchoolApple Orchard Nursery
District/SchoolSoldiers Field Park Children's Center

Regions Served

Last Updated: March 1, 2015