Answers to the FAQs were based on interviews with the district professional development leaders from Chelmsford Public Schools and Southeastern Regional Vocational School District.
Chelmsford Public School district leaders are implementing the Massachusetts Standards for Professional Development by:
Kristan Rodriquez, former Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for Chelmsford Public Schools: "These HQPD standards aren't that difficult to implement. You just need to have a group of teachers and administrators working together to see what we already do and what we need to work on."
Southeastern Regional Vocational School District leaders are implementing the Massachusetts Standards for Professional Development by:
Heidi Driscoll, Curriculum Director for Southeastern Regional Vocational School District: "If you are a school that wants to make sure you don't waste time and that your PD days are impactful for teachers, these HQPD Standards are a nice check. For us, it was almost like a reassurance that we're doing the right thing for teachers."
Chelmsford Public School leaders connect high-quality professional development to educator evaluation by:
Kristan Rodriguez: "The goal is not to implement educator evaluation or implement the [Massachusetts Professional Development] Standards. The goal is to be the best instructors and ensure our students have the most success, and these are just tools to get us there."
Southeastern Regional Vocational School District leaders connect high-quality professional development to educator evaluation by:
Heidi Driscoll: "We don't want unsung heroes anymore; we want them to be leaders in the district."
Chelmsford Public School leaders reported that the following factors help ensure a coherent system of educator learning and development in their district:
Southeastern Regional Vocational School District leaders reported that the following factors help ensure a coherent system of educator learning and development in their district:
In Chelmsford Public Schools:
In Southeastern Regional Vocational School District:
Chelmsford Public Schools:
Southeastern Regional Vocational School District:
In both the Chelmsford Public Schools and Southeastern Regional Vocational School District:
Last Updated: May 7, 2015
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
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