Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Logo
DESE Website Styleguide



Our logo is the foundation of our visual identity system. Though it stands on its own, the details help tell our story and engage our audiences. The mark is approachable, friendly, and optimistic, while still retaining familiar elements of our previous identity, such as color and symbolism.

Our primary logo, which can be stacked horizontally or vertically, is our default logo and includes both our organization's full name and our acronym. Our simpler, secondary logo may be used when the organization name is referenced elsewhere in a given design. It may also be used when the mark must be shown at a small scale

Primary Logo (horizontal)

Primary Logo (stacked)

Secondary Logo (acronym only)

Elementary and Secondary Education Secondary Logo - Full Color


Our full color logo is our default logo and should be used unless recommended otherwise. For one–color printing, embroidery, or embossing, use the one–color version of the logo (B). Against a dark background or photograph, use the knocked out (Option 1) logo (C). Version C is our default knocked out logo. Use Version D (Option 2) only in instances where accessibility is not compromised.

An important note: Vector (.eps) and raster (.png) logo files may be supplied upon request. Do not recreate logos. Use only those files supplied.

Single-color variations

Mochromatic variations of the DESE are black and white. These files may be used in areas where a background color will 'show through' the logo, provided there is sufficiant contrast.

Primary Logo (horizontal)

B. One–color

Elementary and Secondary Education Horizontal Logo - Black

C. Option 1

Elementary and Secondary Education Horizontal Logo - White

D. Option 2

Elementary and Secondary Education Horizontal Logo - White with Burst

Primary Logo (stacked)

B. One–color

Elementary and Secondary Education Stacked Logo - Black

C. Option 1

Elementary and Secondary Education Stacked Logo - White

D. Option 2

Elementary and Secondary Education Stacked Logo - White with Burst

Secondary Logo (acronym only)

B. One–color

Elementary and Secondary Education Secondary Logo - Black

C. Option 1

Elementary and Secondary Education Secondary Logo - White

D. Option 2

Elementary and Secondary Education Secondary Logo - White with Burst

Accessibility & Best Practices

Consistent use and application of our logo is key to promoting recognition of our organization. The DESE logo must remain proportionate and legible relative to its size.

The DESE logo should never collide or intersect with other images graphics or text. The minimum space around a standalone DESE logo should be 25% of its width and height.

Recommended Size for the Web

Primary logo (horizontal): 320 x 67

Primary logo (stacked): 200 x 119

Secondary logo (acronym only): 160 x 66

Minimum Scale

To protect the quality and legibility of the logo, never reduce our primary logo to a scale smaller than 2" inch width.

When the logo is shown smaller than 2" inch width, Our secondary logo (acronym only) is used. Never reduce this variation of the logo to a scale smaller than .75" inch width.

Logo Primary Color Palette


PMS 2006 C
CMYK 1 21 76 1
RGB 240 189 74
HEX f0bd4a

Dark blue

PMS 4153 C
CMYK 98 67 0 13
RGB 33 71 130
HEX 214782

Last Updated: January 30, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


Disclaimer: A reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.