ESSA mandates that the DESE monitor and offer technical assistance to districts over the one percent cap.
ESSA states in part that
…"a State may provide for alternate assessments aligned with the challenging State academic standards and alternate academic achievement standards…for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, if the State…ensures that, for each subject, the total number of students assessed in such subject using the alternate assessments does not exceed one percent of the total number of all students in the State who are assessed in such subject" ….." States that adopt Alternate Assessments based on Alternate Achievement Standards must create a "definition for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities …which addresses factors related to cognitive functioning and adaptive behavior…"
…"a State may provide for alternate assessments aligned with the challenging State academic standards and alternate academic achievement standards…for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, if the State…ensures that, for each subject, the total number of students assessed in such subject using the alternate assessments does not exceed one percent of the total number of all students in the State who are assessed in such subject"
….." States that adopt Alternate Assessments based on Alternate Achievement Standards must create a "definition for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities …which addresses factors related to cognitive functioning and adaptive behavior…"
Each year the state must request a waiver extension if the projection for the state is over the one percent cap.
Massachusetts defines "students with the most significant cognitive disabilities" are students who demonstrate all four criteria:
Attachment 1: Decision-Making Tool for MCAS Participation
Attachment 2: Companion document: Alternate Assessment Participation Tool If the IEP team determines a student is eligible to participate in the alternate assessment based on the criteria for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, complete the required companion document and retain with the student's special education forms.
2A. Sample MCAS-Alt Participation Tool
Attachment 3: 2017 – 2024 MCAS-Alt Percent of Participants by District (and Technical assistance for the Statement of Assurance Worksheet)
Districts should examine the data provided in attachment #3 above and anticipate the percentage of students that will be designated by IEP teams in their district to take the MCAS-Alt in the current school year. Note: "Grade-level" and "competency" portfolios do not count in the district's total of students who take alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards.
Attachment 4: Sample Parent Notification Letter (English and translated versions)
Parents/guardians of students with disabilities who take alternate assessments be informed as part of the IEP process that their child's academic achievement will be measured based on "alternate achievement standards, and Participation in an alternate assessment may delay or otherwise affect their child's completion of the requirements for a diploma.
Attachment 5: Updated Training for District IEP Teams (PowerPoint)
All districts must address any disproportionality of students in any subgroup taking the alternate assessment, per 34 CFR 200.6(c)(4)(iii)(B)
Each district will collect, disaggregate, and review the MCAS-Alt participation rates for students within the following subgroups: male, female, English learners (ELs), African-American, White, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, and economically disadvantaged.
Sample Formula Worksheet to Calculate Disproportionality Risk Ratio
Districts will review the available data School and District Profiles. If the district determines that disproportionality exists, the district must develop an action plan that includes professional development for staff who make decisions during IEP team meetings regarding assessment participation for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.
Students who take the MCAS-Alt will continue to receive instruction in the general curriculum beyond what is necessary to collect materials and data for the student's MCAS-Alt.
If you wish to review DESE's waiver or a district's justification and statement of assurances, please contact Student Assessment by email or phone at 781-338-3625. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025