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Office of Educator Licensure

Structured Guidance & Supports

The Structured Guidance & Supports (SG&S) process is one path for completing the Competency Review. The Competency Review is the mechanism for determining whether a candidate has met the subject matter knowledge requirements for a license in a field for which there is no subject matter knowledge test. The SG&S process is a performance-based assessment for a teacher licensure candidate that includes:

  1. High-quality professional support growth opportunities that are sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused in order to have a positive impact on classroom instruction;
  2. Intensive supervision that consists of structured guidance and regular ongoing support;
  3. An assessment of the candidate's knowledge and skills against a performance rubric, aligned to and fulfilling the subject matter knowledge requirements of that license.

The SG&S process and assessment takes place over a 150-hour field-based experience.

  • Teacher candidates seeking to add an Initial or Professional license may document the SG&S process as evidence of the 150-hour internship required
  • Teacher candidates seeking to earn a Provisional level license must secure a 150-hour field-based experience in order to complete the SG&S process.

These SG&S Guidelines provide a description of the required process, including information about the performance rubrics, sources of evidence, and the portfolio that must be compiled as documentation of the process.


Last Updated: February 8, 2023

Link to ELAR

Contact Us

Office of Educator Licensure
135 Santilli Highway
Everett, MA 02149
Fax: 781-338-3391

Licensure Call Center: 781-338-6600
Hours: Monday–Friday 9am–12pm & 2pm–5pm.

Walk-in Welcome Center Service Counter
Hours: Monday–Friday
8:45am – 4:45pm
Located on the 3rd floor

Please be sure to bring a form of photo identification that includes your name (cannot be a photo copy) with you when visiting ESE.

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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