Most Recently amended by the Board of Education: June 25, 2013.
(1) The following expenditures from local revenues by a municipal department other than the school department which result in services to or on behalf of the school district shall be reported to the Department on or before September 30 of each year in accordance with the expenditure categories and cost allocation methods set forth in guidelines published by the Department. The cost of insurance and retirement benefits for non-school district employees shall not be included or reported.
(2) Where the Department's guidelines permit districts to select among two or more permissible methods for allocating the municipal expenditures set forth in 603 CMR 10.04 (1) (a) through (m), one method shall be chosen by the school district and used consistently from year to year. The allocation method used to report expenditures by municipal departments other than the school department may be changed only with the approval of the Commissioner.
(3) When school and municipal officials cannot agree on the correct reporting, allocation and documentation of expenditures by municipal agencies for educational purposes, they shall so notify the Department. The Commissioner shall, upon receipt of such notice, appoint a designee to conduct an informal hearing to encourage the parties to reach an agreement and make a final determination on the issues in dispute if no agreement is reached within a reasonable time period. The Commissioner shall consult with and seek assistance from the Commissioner of Revenue or his or her designee in attempting to resolve such disputes.
Disclaimer:For an official copy of these regulations, please contact the State House Bookstore, at 617-727-2834 or visit Massachusetts State Bookstore .
Last Updated: July 2, 2013