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Kaleidoscope Collective for Learning

Deeper Learning Guidance Tool

The Deeper Learning Guidance Tool (or DLGT) illustrates the developmental process of ensuring Deeper Learning experiences are grounded in meaningful work with impactful pedagogy. The diagram identifies key indicators for Deeper Learning at the instructional materials and pedagogical level. The tables on the following pages unpack each indicator with "Look-fors", or key ways you might see an Indicator play out in instructional materials and in pedagogy.

The DLGT is designed to provide a full and detailed picture of the concrete and observable elements of Deeper Learning. This resource has been designed to help you assess your current instructional materials and pedagogy for strengths and opportunities for growth. We do not recommend holding educators to the expectation that every look-for is present every day in every class. Rather, the goal is for educators to determine which indicators are most relevant to the purpose of the lesson, unit, or project and will support ALL learners in achieving mastery, identity, and creativity. Some indicators might appear very regularly (e.g., Disciplinary Thinking, Just-in-Time Scaffolding), some might appear based on the objectives for the arc of learning or the needs of the learners in the classroom, and others might slowly develop over the course of the unit and throughout the academic year.

When using this tool, we encourage educators to ask themselves: Which indicators do I see in my instructional materials and my facilitation? Which ones might be incorporated to support ALL learners in achieving mastery, identity, and creativity? In addition to familiarizing yourself with the indicators and their look-fors, we recommend using the Kaleidoscope Protocols to closely and strategically examine your instructional materials and pedagogy at every stage in the learning process.

Last Updated: May 10, 2023

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