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Center for Instructional Support

Early Literacy Screening

A well-developed screening process that examines all students' early literacy skills is an important part of an equitable, culturally and linguistically sustaining literacy plan that matches evidence-based instruction and supports to students' needs. Early literacy universal screening is proactive and designed to gather information on the most predictive literacy skills, making it possible to identify each student's risk of experiencing reading difficulties, including risk of dyslexia. This screening process and resulting data analysis allow educators to intervene with targeted evidence-based instruction at the first indication that a student may be experiencing challenges in learning to read.

The Early Literacy Screening website has tools and resources to support schools and districts - click on each section to learn more and access resources:

Early Literacy Screening Regulation

This website has the regulatory language for Regulation 603 CMR 28.03 (1) (f).

Early Literacy Screening Guidance and Resources

Tools and resources educators can use to bring a comprehensive early literacy universal screening protocol to life.

Early Literacy Screening Assessments

Early literacy universal screening assessments that are currently approved and meet the requirements of the regulation.

Last Updated: October 25, 2024

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
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