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Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts (GLEAM) Grant Program

Since 2020, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has expanded grant support using federal Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) funding for ELA/literacy under the grant program name GLEAM, Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts. GLEAM grants support LEAs to implement equity-driven and sustainable improvements in programming across the Commonwealth through a multi-tiered system of support for ELA/literacy, as well as expanded access to high-quality PreK. A multi-tiered system of support, or MTSS, is an evidence-based approach to providing culturally and linguistically sustaining, tiered instruction to enable academic success of all students.

Congratulations to all FY25 GLEAM Grant Recipients!

Learn about the GLEAM Districts!

Cohort 2 [FY23–FY25]

FC508 RecipientsFC509 RecipientsFC510 Recipients
  • Hoosac Valley Regional School District
  • Lowell Public Schools
  • Westfield Public Schools
Track 1 Districts:
  • Barnstable Public Schools
  • Everett Public Schools
  • Framingham Public Schools
Track 2 Districts:
  • Salem Public Schools
Track 1 Districts:
  • Fall River Public Schools
  • Marlborough Public Schools
  • Milford Public Schools
  • New Bedford Public Schools
  • Peabody Public Schools
Track 2 Districts:
  • Malden Public Schools
  • New Bedford Public Schools
  • Revere Public Schools

FY23 GLEAM Activities

Cohort 2 recipients in Year 1 are engaging in the following GLEAM activities:

  • Comprehensive systems analysis to establish a strong foundation for equity-driven and sustainable improvements for literacy teaching and learning
  • Leadership coaching in service of building educator capacity, developing a comprehensive and diverse GLEAM Leadership Team, and establishing goals for improving literacy teaching and learning for all

FY24 GLEAM Preschool Activities

In year 2, Cohort 2 Preschool recipients are engaging in the following GLEAM activities:

  • Evaluation, selection, and implementation of a high-quality preschool literacy screening assessment
  • Evaluation of curricular materials utilizing EEC's Curriculum Rubric
  • Selection and implementation of core and supplemental curricular materials for ELA/literacy in preschool
  • Strengthen connections with community-based partners through various leadership coaching and professional learning opportunities

FY24 GLEAM K–12 Activities

In year 2, Cohort 2 K–12 recipients are engaging in the following GLEAM activities:

  • [K–5] Evaluation, selection, and implementation of a high-quality early literacy screening assessment
  • [Track 1] Evaluation and selection of evidence-based, inclusive, and culturally and linguistically sustaining high-quality curricular materials for ELA/literacy with the support of DESE's IMplement MA: Evaluate and Select High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Network
  • [K–12] Analysis of a district and school-wide Systems Analysis Report to inform the development of an evidence-based, inclusive, and culturally and linguistically sustaining MTSS literacy action plan.
  • Connect as a cohort and build capacity as building-based literacy leaders by attending the monthly GLEAM Literacy Leaders Network.

FY25 GLEAM Preschool Activities

In year 3, Cohort 2 Preschool recipients are engaging in the following GLEAM activities:

  • Development of a comprehensive sustainability plan for continued equity-driven, evidence-based, and culturally and linguistically sustaining literacy improvement.
  • Implementation of equity-driven, evidence-based, inclusive, and culturally and linguistically sustaining high-quality core and supplemental preschool curricular materials.
  • Continued Implementation of a high-quality, valid, reliable, and language-based preschool literacy screening assessment.
  • Professional learning for district and EEC-licensed community partner educators to support evidence-based preschool literacy practices, use of preschool data in instructional decision-making, and foundational skills.
  • Connection as a cohort and capacity building of literacy leaders working toward sustainability

FY25 K–12 Activities

In Year 3, Cohort 2 K–12 recipients are engaged in the following GLEAM activities:

  • [Track 1] Continued implementation and monitoring of Tier 1 equity-driven, evidence-based, inclusive, and culturally and linguistically sustaining high-quality curricular materials for ELA/literacy.
  • [Track 2] Continued implementation of comprehensive, culturally and linguistically sustaining, and equity-driven MTSS Literacy Action Plan
  • Development of a comprehensive sustainability plan for continued equity-driven literacy goals and improvements that extend beyond the grant fund period.
  • Connection as a cohort and building capacity of literacy leaders working toward sustainability

GLEAM Resources

Weekly GLEAM Office Hours Registration (3:00 – 4:00 pm Mondays).

Contact Us

For questions, comments, or suggestions, email Lori McNally or

Last Updated: November 29, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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