Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Center for Instructional Support
CUrriculum RAtings by TEachers (CURATE)

Master Agreement

Any CURATE reviewed product that meets the bar of quality established for CURATE qualifies for a statewide Master Agreement, designed to streamline the procurement process for schools and districts choosing to adopt it. Please email for information about how to use the Master Agreement.

Curricular materials reviewed before SY24-25 qualified for the Master Agreement by receiving an "overall" CURATE rating of Meets expectations. Beginning with SY24-25, reviewed materials will no longer receive an "overall" CURATE rating, to encourage local education agencies (LEAs) to determine which of the available high-quality materials will best support their localized needs and equity priorities. A product receiving the following rating beginning with SY24-25 qualify for the Master Agreement:

  • Standards Alignment: Meets expectations in all criteria (or N/A in K–5 Foundational Skills) and
  • Classroom Application: Meets/Partially meets expectations in all criteria

Note: K–5 Foundational Skills: If the core K–5 language arts instructional materials receive a rating of N/A, Partially meets expectations, or Does not meet expectations for Foundational Skills but is rated Meets expectations in the other two criteria of Standards Alignment, the core materials must be paired with a strong foundational skills resource, such as Appleseeds. Together, this high-quality package will address all components of the core literacy block (see Mass Literacy).

Products with a Master Agreement

The table below shows products on the Department's Master Agreement (MA) and the expiration date, as of our last web update. Note that other products may also be eligible and are currently in the negotiation or approval process. Additionally, while the Master Agreement list includes all products with an active MA with the Department, local education agencies considering new adoptions are strongly encouraged to review the Current Reports page for the most up-to-date list of products that have been CURATE-reviewed.

ProductVendorGradesExpiration Date
Amplify ELA (2019)Amplify6–86/30/2026
ARC Core (2017)American Reading CompanyK–26/30/2026
ARC Core (2017)American Reading Company3–56/30/2026
ARC Core (2017)American Reading Company6–86/30/2026
Core Knowledge Language Arts (2015)AmplifyK–26/30/2026
EL Education (2017)Open Up ResourcesK–26/30/2026
EL Education (2019)Imagine LearningK–56/30/2026
EL Education (2019)Open Up Resources6–86/30/2026
HMH Into Reading (2020)HMHK–56/30/2026
HMH Into Literature (2020)HMH6–86/30/2026
myPerspectives (2017)Savvas6–86/30/2026
myView Literacy (2020)SavvasK–26/30/2026
myView Literacy (2020)Savvas3–56/30/2026
StudySync (2017)McGraw Hill6–86/30/2026
Wonders (2020)McGraw HillK–26/30/2026
Wonders (2020)McGraw Hill3–56/30/2026
ProductVendorGradesExpiration Date
Core Curriculum (2021)MidSchoolMath5–86/30/2026
enVision Mathematics CC (2020)SavvasK–56/30/2026
HMH Into Math (2018)HMHK–56/30/2026
HMH Into Math (2020)HMH6–86/30/2026
Illustrative Math (2018)McGraw-Hill6–86/30/2026
Illustrative Math Traditional A/G/A (2021)Imagine Learning9–126/30/2026
iReady Classroom Math (2020)Curriculum AssociatesK–56/30/2026
iReady Classroom Math (2021)Curriculum Associates6–86/30/2026
OpenUp Resources Math (2017)OpenUp Resources6–86/30/2026
Reveal Math Traditional (2020)McGraw-Hill9–126/30/2026
Science & Technology/Engineering
ProductVendorGradesExpiration Date
Amplify Science (2018)Amplify6–86/30/2026
OpenSciEd (2022)Kendall Hunt6–86/30/2029

Last Updated: August 27, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


Disclaimer: A reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.