Student is enrolled in and resident of public school district:
Student is enrolled in charter school:
Student is educated in one district but resides in another:
Student is outplaced to collaborative or special education school:
Student resides in one district but attends school in another district where parent works:
Student is shared custody - parents live in different towns:
Student is school choice and choice district outplaces to collaborative or special education school:
Student is foreign exchange:
Student is in institutional setting:
Student is resident of one district, enrolled in another district through local agreement and then becomes outplaced:
Student is resident of one district, tuitioned-in to another district, and then becomes outplaced:
Student is homeless:
Student is enrolled and in foster care:
Student is receiving special education services in the district, but is enrolled elsewhere.
* Home district = where student resides
Last Updated: October 12, 2021