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Explanation of the SCS Summary Reports

The following document provides explanation of the SCS summary reports available to districts after they submit SCS data. It is very important for districts to carefully review the data in these reports before certifying their SCS submission.

Report 2: School Course Count

Lists all courses offered by a school, organized by term (SCS07) and subject area (SCS05).

Report 3: Student Count by Enrollment Status

Lists the total number of students in each course, grouped by course enrollment status (SCS08 values Enrolled, Complete, Incomplete, Withdrawn, and Excused).

Report 4: Student Records by Enrollment Status

Lists all student course records, organized by course enrollment status (SCS08 values Enrolled, Complete, Incomplete, Withdrawn, and Excused).

Report 4: Student Course Records by Enrollment Status will be available via the SCS application for the current collection period only. It is not available for prior periods.

Last Updated: February 13, 2019

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