Information for schools and districts on the non-fiscal data reports collected by the Department, including the Student Information Management System (SIMS), Education Personnel Information Management System (EPIMS), Student Course Schedule (SCS), School Safety and Discipline Report (SSDR), Directory Administration (DA), and other data collection efforts.
Summary statistics on schools and districts, as well as statewide trends. Includes information on enrollment, school dropouts, plans of high school graduates, and student exclusions, as well as profiles of Massachusetts schools and districts. Also includes information on a new Department initiative to calculate graduation rates.
A collaborative effort of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and local school districts to centralize K-12 educational performance data into one state coordinated data repository hosted by the Department.
Fundamental information about Massachusetts' elementary and secondary schools. Throughout this site you will find basic facts about enrollment, school spending, demographics and test scores in the Commonwealth's districts and public schools, including charter schools, collaboratives, and approved special education schools.
Offers secure access to multiple applications through a single sign-on. Some resources, such as ELAR, are open to any public user with a profile. Other resources are reserved for use by select school/district personnel.
Last Updated: September 30, 2018
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