What is family literacy?
Why is family literacy important?
Why does Massachusetts need family literacy?
Who benefits from family literacy?
Who provides family literacy?
How can I help start family literacy in my community?
Children benefit. They demonstrate greater gains in vocabulary, literacy, logic, math, and other skills than children in child-focused programs. They are more likely to be successful in school right through high school graduation and less likely to be exposed to health risks or live in poverty.
Adults benefit. They improve their basic educational and job skills and are enabled to make self-identified changes in their lives that help them fulfill their personal goals. Parents whose first language is not English acquire communication skills to support their relationships with their children, school staff, co-workers, employers, and the community at large.
Schools benefit. Parents become full partners in their children's education through increased communication with school staff and active participation in school activities. They gain the skills they need to reinforce their children's school learning in the home.
Businesses and communities benefit. More educated parents are better prepared to enter the workforce and meet the performance requirements of today's businesses. As parents develop the skills they need in the context of their roles as parents, workers, and citizens, they become active contributors to their communities.
Please address any questions or comments to MFLC@doe.mass.edu
Last Updated: September 15, 2002
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
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