The Next Generation ESL Toolkit

High-Quality NGESL Instructional Materials

NGESL Curriculum Design and Evaluation Training

The NGESL Curriculum Design modules provide an overview of the High-Quality Next Generation ESL Instructional Materials Review Process and Rubric, information about resources that can be used to create high-quality instructional materials for ESL, and key considerations for ESL Curriculum Design.

High-Quality NGESL Instructional Materials Review Process and ESL Curriculum Review Rubric

The High-Quality English as a Second Language Instructional Materials (HQIM-NGESL) review process guides educator teams in a step-by-step process to determine whether a given set of instructional materials can be considered high-quality for ESL instruction.

NGESL HQIM Evaluation Reports

ProductEditionPublisherGrade BandNGESL HQIM rubric version
HMH Grade 7 English 3D Course B Vol. 1 2021HMH6–8SY2023
HMH Grade 8 English 3D Course B Vol. 2 2021HMH6–8SY2023
National Geographic: Reach Higher 2020National Geographic1–6SY2023
National Geographic: Time Zones 2021National GeographicMiddle/High School NewcomerSY2023
2016 ESL Model Curriculum Units and Instructional Videos

The series of videos below are part of the Massachusetts Next Generation ESL Project: Model Curriculum Units (MCUs). Each video showcases excerpts from a lesson from an ESL MCU being implemented in an ESL classroom.

These Model Curriculum Units and videos were created by the Department in 2016. They are not aligned to 2020 WIDA Standards and have not been evaluated using CURATE or the High Quality NGESL Instructional Materials Review Process and ESL Curriculum Review Rubric.

Last Updated: January 31, 2025