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The Next Generation ESL Toolkit
ESL Embedded Delivery Approach

Embedded ESL

ESL instruction is provided by a dually-licensed ESL teacher within grade level/content area classrooms

  • 1 teacher licensed in both ESL and content area or grade level
  • Teacher is responsible for both language and academic outcomes
  • Scheduled as a dedicated instructional time

Embedded ESL is an instructional delivery approach in which a dually licensed ESL teacher provides ESL instruction in grade level/content area classrooms during a dedicated time in the school day. In this approach, the teacher is responsible for both language development and content instruction. Embedded ESL that is aligned to the Massachusetts definition of ESL instruction:

  • Carefully balances instructional time to include designated times for ESL instruction as well as content area learning. During the time dedicated for embedded ESL, the teacher follows a dedicated, systematic, explicit, and sustained language-focused curriculum aligned to both the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework and the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks that is grade-level appropriate, language driven, and integrated. This curriculum draws topics and habits of mind from content standards to ensure language is taught within rich, contextualized, and meaningful circumstances that best support English learners to succeed in school and beyond. During instructional time dedicated for content area instruction, the same teacher focuses instruction on mastering content area standards and related disciplinary language, knowledge, and practices.
  • Is tailored to the characteristics and backgrounds of the students served, leveraging their assets (cultural background and experiences, first language, funds of knowledge, etc.) and scaffolding instruction to meet their needs.
  • Requires careful design to ensure there is a dedicated time within the regular schedule for ESL instruction and that students identified as English learners receive appropriate amounts of ESL instruction based on their individual needs as outlined in Massachusetts guidance.

To learn more about the characteristics, educator roles, and instructional practices for effective embedded ESL, see this Quick Reference Guide .

Last Updated: September 20, 2022

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