The Education Security Portal was updated in August 2023 Edwin application has had to undergo some changes as a result. This new version looks and operates slightly differently. Some of the changes, especially in selecting prompts and running reports, as well as how to download data, are important to review. Prompts should not be read horizontally, and users must click the view report button to load any new data. View the Using Edwin guide for help navigating Edwin.
Since the Education Security Portal update, anytime you make changes to a filter selection in the prompt area of the report, you hit the "view report" button to the right of the prompts to rerun the report. The button will be green when new filters have been selected. Even if the report screen goes momentarily blank or you see a "fetching data" box appear on the screen, new data will not be displayed until the view report button is selected. Once you have made all the changes to the prompts that you want, hit the green "view report" button to see new info.
Edwin reports are grouped into several categories/sub categories
There are aggregate and student-level reports. Most reports can be run at the school or district level (sometimes these are separate reports, in the case of aggregate level MCAS reports). Some reports include state level data for comparison. Some reports have hyperlinks and allow users with access to student level data to click through to student level reports. For a list of reports in Edwin, visit the Edwin website.
You can either browse for reports through Edwin Analytics folders or use the Search function to search for reports by keyword. Reports and tools are grouped in folders by topic area (and in some cases, subfolders). When you have selected a folder, a list of available reports will appear. This may include aggregate and student level reports if your security role gives you access to student level data. To use search, select Search in the navigation panel and enter a term of interest in the search box. This will scan the report names and descriptions and return a list of potential reports. If you get too many results, you may need to be more specific in what terms you use.
Yes. The export button is on the right of the report task bar at the top of the reports. This allows you to export to excel, csv, pdf or other formats. Note: Not all reports are optimized for all export options. The PDF format displays and prints the report exactly as it appears on your screen. Downloading to excel may be helpful to do additional filtering and merging with other data. See Using Edwin for additional guidance if you run into trouble.
Student level reports are considered confidential and are subject to federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) rules. They should not be shared with individuals who are not directly responsible for the education of the student. Aggregate level reports are considered public information and may be shared as long as they contain only non-personally identifiable aggregate data.
For reports reflecting current enrollment (e.g., EWIS reports), student claiming is required and necessary to have students appear in Edwin Analytics reports. Student claiming is almost immediate for most student level reports, but some will require an overnight process to show the updated information. Student claiming, whether through SIF or by uploading a claiming file, frees districts from having to wait until October 1st in order to see their students. For more on student claiming please review the updated student claiming document, or contact Data Collection for assistance.
Please contact your local Edwin Analytics Contact first. A list Edwin Analytics Contacts by district is available on School/District Profiles using the People Search tool. If your Edwin Analytics Contact cannot answer your question, use the contact us button in the corner of most Edwin reports or visit the Edwin Analytics Help Desk. Please provide as much information as possible about your question and concern including the date, name of the report, time you ran the report and any specific error messages you received.
We appreciate feedback on how to improve existing reports and design future reports. Please use the contact us button in the corner of most Edwin reports or visit the Edwin Analytics Help Desk to share your ideas.
Download full FAQ document
Last Updated: January 26, 2024
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
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