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Educator Effectiveness

IV-A: Reflection & Professional Growth

  1. Reflective Practice: Reflects on the effectiveness of instruction and how one's identities, biases, and practices impact student learning and well-being; and works to improve practice and eliminate learning inequities across race, gender, ethnicity, language, disability and ability, and other aspects of student identities, such that all students can meet or exceed grade-level standards.

  2. Goal-Setting: Sets professional practice and student learning goals that:

    • Are challenging, standards-aligned and measurable.

    • Are based on thorough self-assessment, analysis of student learning data, and feedback from students and families.

    • Promote more inclusive and equitable learning experiences and outcomes for all students.

  3. Professional Learning and Growth: Seeks out and engages in ongoing cycles of professional learning to strengthen equitable practice and improve student learning, applies new knowledge and skills into practice, and monitors impact on student outcomes

Last Updated: February 6, 2024

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