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Educator Effectiveness

I-C: Analysis

  1. Analysis and Conclusions: Analyzes disaggregated data from a wide range of assessments to:

    • Gain information about students' progress towards grade-level standards and/or individual learning goals, including trends across students or student groups.
    • Reflect on instruction and identify actions to reduce disparate outcomes and improve learning for all students.

  2. Adjustments to Practice: Uses analysis and conclusions from a wide range of assessment data and feedback from colleagues, students, and families to adjust practice and implement differentiated and scaffolded supports for improved and more equitable student learning outcomes.

  3. Sharing Progress with Students and Families: Collaborates with students and their families, in an accessible format and language, to:

    • Communicate specific, timely, and asset-based feedback on student progress towards grade-level or proficiency standards.
    • Identify ways to build on students' strengths and support further growth.

  4. Sharing Progress with Colleagues: Collaborates with appropriate colleagues (e.g., special education teachers, English learner education teachers, paraeducators, general education teachers, and specialists) to:

    • Share conclusions about student progress towards grade-level standards and/or individual learning goals to identify ways to build on students' strengths and support further growth.
    • Seek feedback about instructional or assessment practices that will support student learning.

Last Updated: July 5, 2024

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