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Educator Effectiveness

I-A: Curriculum and Planning

  1. Subject Matter Knowledge: Demonstrates sound knowledge of the subject matter by:

    • Using evidence-based pedagogical practices that enable all students to develop and apply grade-level knowledge and skills in relevant and real-world contexts.
    • Supporting all students to make connections between the subject matter and real-world issues with impact on their communities and the world.

  2. Knowledge of Students: Builds on and draws from knowledge of their students' identities, skills, developmental levels, cultures, languages, and communities to provide relevant and differentiated learning experiences that enable all students to develop and exercise social-emotional skills (e.g. self-management and making responsible decisions) and progress towards grade-level standards.

  3. Curriculum Literacy: Skillfully uses curricular materials by:

    • Determining strengths and weaknesses of materials and adapting as necessary to plan evidence-based, inclusive, and culturally sustaining instruction, including identifying opportunities to create meaningful, relevant connections rooted in the local context.
    • Identifying necessary supplemental resources and/or tiered supports to provide all students access to grade-level instruction.
    • Utilizing a coherent instructional approach that builds student learning towards grade-level standards and individual learning goals over time through aligned lesson goals, scope, sequence, and tasks.

Last Updated: July 5, 2024

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