Collaboration on Student Learning and Well-Being: Provides educators with professional learning, feedback, and support to partner with families on students' learning and well-being by:
Leveraging families' cultural and linguistic knowledge and expertise as assets
Engaging families in dialogue about what students are learning in the classroom and expectations for student success.
Collaboratively identifying, and seeking feedback on, strategies and resources for supporting student learning and growth in and out of school.
Family Support: Works to ensure that all families understand and have opportunities to inform district and school-based policies and resources that support student learning and well-being by:
Supporting families to engage with policies, resources, and routines such as parent teacher organizations, school-site councils, parent advisory councils (e.g., ELPAC and SEPAC), child study/intervention teams, IEP referral processes, ESL supports, and student attendance policies.
Setting clear expectations regarding how specialized support staff should partner with families in accessing support services within and outside of school, and monitors adherence to these policies.
Last Updated: February 22, 2024