Scheduling: Creates and maintains a school schedule and related systems and practices that:
Ensure equitable access to effective educators, grade-level learning, advanced coursework and elective opportunities, and tiered supports.
Prioritizes scheduling for students needing additional supports or services, such as English learners and students with disabilities.
Maximize inclusive opportunities for all students.
Allow for effective implementation of high-quality instructional materials
Maximize blocks of uninterrupted instructional time across all content areas (including traditionally non-tested grades and subjects (e.g., arts, physical education, digital literacy and computer science, STEM fields, History/Social Studies).
Professional Collaboration: Establishes systems and structures, including common planning time, to support effective communication and collaboration among educators, including general education, special education, paraeducators, English learner education, and support staff, in support of shared goals for student learning.
Last Updated: February 22, 2024