Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Educator Effectiveness

Culturally Responsive Teaching Video Library

The Culturally Responsive Teaching Video Library features exemplars of culturally responsive teaching by MA educators. The purpose of this video library is to elevate these educators' culturally responsive teaching practices, and support MA educators to continue building their capacity to provide a culturally responsive education to all students in the Commonwealth. To learn more about culturally responsive teaching, please visit the Culturally & Linguistically Sustaining Practices page.

These 10–35 minute videos were reviewed and selected by Massachusetts educators in partnership with The Teacher Collaborative and The Teachers' Lounge based on strengths in one or more areas on this rubric . The videos depict a range of content areas, grade levels, and teaching models from the 2020-2021 school year (remote, hybrid, and in-person).

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Video Library

English Language Arts

Exploring Identity Through Literature
Amelia Afolayan
Grade 6 | Boston

Examinations of Stereotype and Bias Surrounding Immigration Using a Book Group Model
Susy Remillard
Grade 6 | Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School (Harwich)

Challenging Common Narratives about Blackness
Trevor Munhall
Grade 8 | Lawrence

Multimedia Presentation: Group Rehearsals and Feedback
Takeru Nagayoshi
Grade 9 | New Bedford

The Vitality of Student Voice, Student Choice, and Student Ideas as Culturally Responsive Teaching: Discussing Strengths, Weaknesses, Gender Roles, and Role Models
Cristina Hernández-Persia
Grades 9–12 | Boston

History/Social Studies

Using Texts to Stand Up for What's Right
Elizabeth Krasofski
Kindergarten | Sharon

How Do We Get Our Skin Color?
Karen Woods
Grade 2 | Sharon

Civil Rights Movement (1960s): Equity, Race, Agency, and Allies
Diana Kinney
Grade 5 | Sharon


Chemical Bonding and Its Application in Deicers
Raksmey Derival
Grades 11–12 | Innovation Academy Charter School (Tewksbury)

Social-Emotional Learning

Xenophobia and Becoming an Ally
Roshonda Ndebumadu
Grade 3 | Alma Del Mar Charter School (New Bedford)

Discussing Race and Racism
Tahirah Gibson
Identity Block
Grade 5 | Brooke Charter School (Boston)

English Language Arts

YouTube Video: Exploring Identity Through Literature

Exploring Identity Through Literature
Amelia Afolayan
Grade 6 | Boston | Remote

YouTube Video: Examinations of Stereotype and Bias Surrounding Immigration Using a Book Group Model

Examinations of Stereotype and Bias Surrounding Immigration Using a Book Group Model
Susie Remillard
Grade 6 | Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School (Harwich) | Remote

YouTube Video: Challenging Common Narratives about Blackness

Challenging Common Narratives about Blackness
Trevor Munhall
Grade 8 | Lawrence | Remote

YouTube Video: Multimedia Presentation: Group Rehearsals and Feedback

Multimedia Presentation: Group Rehearsals and Feedback
Takeru Nagayoshi
Grade 9 | New Bedford | In-Person

YouTube Video: The Vitality of Student Voice, Student Choice, and Student Ideas as Culturally Responsive Teaching: Discussing Strengths, Weaknesses, Gender Roles, and Role Models

The Vitality of Student Voice, Student Choice, and Student Ideas as Culturally Responsive Teaching: Discussing Strengths, Weaknesses, Gender Roles, and Role Models
Cristina Hernández-Persia
Grades 9–12 | Boston | Hybrid

History/Social Studies

YouTube Video: Using Texts to Stand Up for What is Right

Using Texts to Stand Up for What is Right
Elizabeth Krasofski
Kindergarten | Sharon | In-Person

YouTube Video: How Do We Get Our Skin Color?

How Do We Get Our Skin Color?
Karen Woods
Grade 2 | Sharon | Hybrid

YouTube Video: Civil Rights Movement (1960s): Equity, Race, Agency, and Allies

Civil Rights Movement (1960s): Equity, Race, Agency, and Allies
Diana Kinney
Grade 5 | Sharon | In-Person


YouTube Video: Chemical Bonding and Its Application in Deicers

Chemical Bonding and Its Application in Deicers
Raksmey Derival
Grades 11–12 | Innovation Academy Charter School (Tewksbury)

Social-Emotional Learning

YouTube Video: Xenophobia and Becoming an Ally

Xenophobia and Becoming an Ally
Roshonda Ndebumadu
Grade 3 | Alma Del Mar Charter School (New Bedford)

YouTube Video: Discussing Race and Racism

Discussing Race and Racism
Tahirah Gibson
Identity Block
Grade 5 | Brooke Charter School (Boston)

Last Updated: May 25, 2021

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
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