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Massachusetts Charter Schools

Projected FY2025 Charter School Tuition and Enrollment

August 2024

Below are links to the FY2025 tuition and enrollment projections for charter schools and sending districts. It is important to note some caveats that may affect the accuracy of these projections. While actual enrollment cannot exceed the projection reported by a given charter, enrollment by individual sending school districts may vary. Additionally, each sending district's tuition rate is a function of local spending and subject to change.

These projections are based on the final FY2025 state budget and reflect the continued implementation of the Student Opportunity Act (An Act Relative to Educational Opportunity for Students). The Act makes significant changes to the foundation budget rate formula, based on the recommendations of the Foundation Budget Review Commission (FBRC). The updated formula is codified in Chapter 70 of the general laws.

Key points on foundation budget rates:

  • These rates are derived from each school's October 1, 2023 SIMS enrollment.
  • Foundation budgets have been raised by a 1.35% inflation factor.
  • Some additional highlights:
    • The SOA establishes new, higher foundation budget rates in five areas: benefits and fixed charges, guidance and psychological services, special education out-of-district tuition, English learners, and low-income students, all to be phased in over a seven-year period.
    • An employee benefits inflation rate of 5.03% is applied to the employee benefits and fixed charges category. This rate is based on the three-year average premium increase for all Group Insurance Commission (GIC) plans.
    • The SOA also increases the assumed in-district special education enrollment from 3.5% to 4.0% for non-vocational students over seven years. The factor used in FY2025 is 3.93%.

Key points on above foundation and facilities rates:

  • Above foundation rates are determined using the most recently available budgeted net school spending percentages from June 2024.
  • Facilities rates are level funded at $1,188 per pupil.

Key points on charter reimbursement to districts:

  • The final state budget includes a $199.0 million appropriation for charter school tuition reimbursements. This appropriation level is expected to meet the 100% requirement in FY2025.

Below you will find Excel files with the most recent calculation of FY2025 charter school tuition and reimbursements. These amounts will be used by the Department of Revenue in their cherry sheet estimates.

Questions about the charter tuition program should be addressed to Rob O'Donnell in the Office of District and School Finance at (781) 338-6512 or Robert.F.O' .

Last Updated: August 6, 2024

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