Dissemination is often more successful when educational approaches are shared through the development of an ongoing partnership rather than a single event. Developing a partnership is one of the most active forms of dissemination. The Department acknowledges that some schools may not have the capacity or ability to develop partnerships and therefore will engage in one-off and/or low-lift activities and/or short-term partnerships. Over the years, the Department has received a Charter School Program Grant from the US Department of education. Part of this grant is used to assist charter schools with active and ongoing dissemination efforts, joint projects, and partnerships. If your school plans to engage with a partner:
"We approach dissemination with respect for our colleagues, so we share only relevant practices and spend time understanding the context of this Lawrence Public School. We think teacher to teacher sharing is critical, so we engage both full-time lead teachers and part-time mentors. Our approach is more 'bottom up', than 'top down'. Our lead teachers utilize curriculum sharing by accessing a shared Learning Management System (LMS). We openly dialogue with our teachers and leave room for partners to ask questions and share ideas with us." — Lawrence Family Development Charter School
Last Updated: July 19, 2023