Office of College, Career and Technical Education

Code of Federal Regulations Regarding Career/Vocational Student Organizations

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 34, Chapter IV, Part 400, Section 403.71 (c) (1)

403.71 In what additional ways may funds be used under the State Programs and State Leadership Activities?

In addition to the required activities in §403.70, a State may use funds reserved under section 102(a)(3) of the Act for the State Programs and State Leadership Activities in accordance with §403.180(b)(3) for programs, projects, services, and activities that include-

(c)(1) The support of vocational student organizations that are an integral part of the vocational education instructional program, especially with respect to efforts to increase minority participation in those organizations.

(2) The support of vocational student organizations may include, but is not limited to, expenditures for-

(i) The positions of State executive secretaries and State advisors for vocational student organizations;

(ii) Leadership development workshops;

(iii) The development of curriculum for vocational student organizations; and

(iv) Field or laboratory work incidental to vocational training so long as the activity is supervised by vocational education personnel who are qualified in the occupational area and is available to all students in the instructional program without regard to membership in any student organization.

(3) The support of vocational student organizations may not include-

(i) Lodging, feeding, conveying, or furnishing transportation to conventions or other forms of social assemblage;

(ii) Purchase of supplies, jackets, and other effects for students' personal ownership;

(iii) Cost of non-instructional activities such as athletic, social, or recreational events;

(iv) Printing and disseminating non-instructional newsletters;

(v) Purchase of awards for recognition of students, advisors, and other individuals; or

(vi) Payment of membership dues;

(d) Leadership and instructional programs in technology education; and

(e) Data collection.

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2331(c); H.R. Rep. No. 660, 101st Cong., 1st Sess. 117 (1990))

Last Updated: March 28, 2008