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Office of College, Career and Technical Education

New Career Technical Education Programs (C74) Application and Process

Massachusetts Career Technical Education Programs (CTE) prepare students to graduate with skills and credentials that will provide them with advanced employment opportunities if the enter the workforce immediately upon graduation. These CTE programs also provide students with high quality learning experiences that enable them to see and understand their future career paths, including continued education. Signature components of these programs include at least 900 hours of immersive learning time, co-operative education in partnership with local employers, and opportunities to earn high-value industry recognized credentials. The CTE frameworks are developed to guide instruction and support program design that ensure students graduate with the skills and learning experiences that best prepare them in their field.

The addition of any new designation requires a review and redesign of all school systems to ensure full integration into your school's program of studies. All CTE programs are approved through a state review process to ensure programs are designed and implemented to support students in experiencing quality education, attaining the necessary competencies, and gaining relevant industry credentials. The review process is made up of three stages: Intent to Apply, Part A, and Part B. Questions in Part A and B are organized around the Massachusetts Guiding Principles for College and Career Pathways.

Guidance for the process is available below, in addition to important information about timelines and technical assistance. Schools should also reach out to their CCTE liaison or the liaison assigned to their region, for additional questions. See the Career Technical Education Regulations CMR 603 4.03: Program Approval Criteria and Operational Requirements for additional information.


The upcoming process is intended to serve programs that will open in SY2025-2026. All programs must be fully approved prior to June 30 to be able to operate in SY2025-2026.

Application ComponentDue Date
Intents to Apply — Use this FormOct 11, 2024 (Fri) by 5:00 pm
Preliminary (Part A) — Use this Form: FY2025 Career Technical Education Part A Application — see guidance below.Nov 15, 2024 (Fri) by 5:00 pm
Concluding (Part B) — see guidance below. Mar 7, 2025 (Fri) by 5:00 pm
Onsite visits Safety, Health, and Accessibility Review of facilities and all major equipment to occurMarch 24 – June 6
Deadline for Safety, Health, and Accessibility Review of facilities and all major equipment to occur June 6, 2025
Deadline for all components of application process to be completed or submitted in final form Jun 17, 2025 (Tue)
Final Decisions By end of June 2025

Technical Assistance Calendar

Application ComponentDescriptionWebinar Dates, Times, and Registration
Overview for FY25 application cycle This webinar provides an overview of the entire Ch 74 New Program Application Process. Participants will be walked through any changes for the FY25 application cycle, including the new application platform and timeline. These were held in September 2024. For additional information, follow up with your CCTE liaison.
Preliminary (Part A) This webinar guides prospective applicants through the elements comprising the Chapter 74 New Program Preliminary (Part A) application. It is designed for any school and school district personnel involved in developing a Chapter 74 New Program application.

Oct 8, 2024 (Tue) 1:00–2:00

Oct 10, 2024 (Thu) 10:00–11:00

Designing for Equity This workshop guides prospective applicants through strategies to understand and address barriers that impact student success and approaches to equitable recruitment and access to Chapter 74 new programs. It is designed for any school and school district personnel involved in developing a Chapter 74 New Program application. Districts are required to participate in this workshop. Details will be provided prior to the date.

October 29, 2024 9:00–11:00 AM

October 31, 2024 1:00–3:00 PM

CTE Licensure This webinar is designed to support districts who are applying for a new CTE (Ch 74) program. Having an appropriately licensed teacher is a requirement for new program designation. This webinar is co-presented by the Office of Educator Licensure and the Office for College, Career, and Technical Education. Some of the questions that will be addressed in this webinar include: What license is needed to teach a specific program? What is the process for licensure? What is the purpose of the emergency waiver and what is the process for applying for and obtaining one?

January 7, 2025 (Tue) 9:30–10:30

January 8, 2025 (Wed) 11:00–12:00

Program Advisory Committee This webinar is designed for school and school district administrators and for industry experts assisting in the development of a Chapter 74 New Program Preliminary (Part A) application. The webinar will present several considerations for the development of a program-specific Advisory Committee.

Jan 13, 2025 (Mon) 10:00–11:00

Jan 16, 2025 (Thu) 1:00–2:00

Concluding (Part B) This webinar guides prospective applicants through the elements comprising the Chapter 74 New Program Concluding (Part B) application. It is designed for any school and school district personnel involved in developing a Chapter 74 New Program application.

Jan 22, 2025 (Wed) 10:00–11:00

Jan 23, 2025 (Thu) 1:00–2:00

Safety, Health, and Accessibility This webinar guides applicants through the required Safety, Health, and Accessibility Review. You will learn how to prepare for this portion of your onsite visit.

Feb 10, 2025 (Mon) 10:00–11:00

Feb 13, 2025 (Thu) 1:00–2:00

Guidance and Required Forms

Please refer to this document for the CTE New Program Application guidance and required forms for all stages of the process - Intent to Apply, Part A, and Part B.

The New Program Application also reference resources from DESE that support the Educational Vision. Please consider these resources:

Last Updated: December 2, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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