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Types of Programs & How to Apply

Any student who lives in Massachusetts is eligible to apply for career and technical education programs. However, space may be limited and admission is not guaranteed. Once you review the following general information, it will be important to understand the specific application requirements for the school or program you are interested in. You can start your research at Massachusetts School Finder.

State (Chapter 74) School

Career and Technical Schools
Career and Technical Schools may serve one community, a group of communities, or an entire region. In most cases, students from member school districts must submit an application during the fall or winter of their 8th grade year in order to attend. Transportation is usually provided. Deadlines and requirements will vary and can be found on their websites.

Local School

Local High School that Offers CTE Programs
In communities where career and technical education is offered within a local high school, the school will inform students and families of the process. Many schools will offer a mix of State-Approved (Chapter 74) and Local Programs. Another model that may be offered is the Innovation Pathways program. Finally, some schools partner with nearby Universities to offer Early College programs, which link college-level coursework with career exploration. For more information, contact your local high school and ask to speak with someone who can talk to you about career and technical education options.

After Dark

After Dark (Chapter 74 Partnership) Programs
Some school districts partner with a nearby Vocational-Technical school to allow students to enroll in technical training during the hours when vocational technical facilities are underutilized. For instance, students might take academic courses in the morning at their local high school and then spend the afternoon taking classes at the vocational-technical school. (The exact schedule will vary.) View a list of communities offering After Dark programs, or contact your local high school for more information.

Interdistrict Transfer

If The Program You Are Interested In Isn’t Offered Locally
(Nonresident Student Tuition Program)

If a specific state-approved (Chapter 74) program is not available in your home school district, you can apply for the opportunity to attend school in another district, with transportation provided. Learn more

These rules vary widely from school to school. You are strongly encouraged to contact the school you are interested in to receive more detailed guidance.

If you still have questions, every school has a liaison at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Find the school liaison for a school you are interested in.

Last Updated: May 18, 2022

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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