Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Alternative Education



The AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization provides information, resources, and guidance to families, schools, and organizations regarding their educational choices.

The Coalition of Essential Schools provides common principles and resources regarding Essential Schools.

Families for Depression Awareness is a Massachusetts-based organization that helps families recognize and cope with depressive disorders to get people well and prevent suicides.

The International Association of Learning Alternatives provides information on learning alternatives and choice options.

Learn and Serve America provides information on Community Service Learning (CSL). CSL is a common component of Alternative Education. BROKEN LINK

The National Alternative Education Association shares information, best practices, and advocates for alternative learning and teaching.

The National Dropout Prevention Center contains information on the two centers: the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network and the National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities. This site contains information on effective practices and additional resources.

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education website on Trauma Sensitive Schools provides information about complex trauma and its affect on learning and resources related to trauma.


Last Updated: January 17, 2018

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
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