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Center for Instructional Support

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Supporting Classrooms

Culturally Responsive Look Fors
This resource introduces seven focus elements that are observable in a culturally responsive classroom that could be used to support professional learning, observations, feedback, and/or coaching.

Culturally & Linguistically Sustaining Practices
The resources on this page explore culturally and linguistically sustaining school practices and provide resources for professional learning.

"What to Look For" Observation Guides
These guides describe Math practices, key content standards and observable teacher and student actions aligned to Indicators from the Standards of Effective Practice.

Supporting Students

AP and IB Exam Fee Subsidy Program
Exam fee subsidies are available for low-income Massachusetts public school students taking Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exams in May 2023.

MassCore Requirements
MassCore is a state-recommended program of study intended to align high school coursework with college and workforce expectations. Students are expected to take four units of Mathematics. An approved CS course may be substituted for one math course.

Supporting Content Leaders

District Leader Networks
Opportunity for Math Leaders in your district to connect with other leaders across the Commonwealth.

Standards for Mathematical Practice — Pre-K–2
This guide highlights the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework and provides examples for students in pre-K through 2nd grade.

Standards for Mathematical Practice — Grades 3–5
This guide highlights the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework and provides examples for students in 3rd through 5th grade.

Standards for Mathematical Practice — Grades 6–8
This guide describes how mathematically proficient students in grades 6–8 will exhibit the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for Mathematics.

Standards for Mathematical Practice — High School
This guide describes how mathematically proficient high school students will demonstrate the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for Mathematics.

Quick Reference Guide: Making Decisions about Secondary Course Sequences
In this resource, educators will find educational course sequences for mathematics including an accelerated option for school districts to utilize.

Last Updated: May 18, 2023

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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