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Massachusetts Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) Leadership Council

What is the GSA Leadership Council?

The Massachusetts GSA Student Leadership Council creates and informs policy, promotes inclusive learning environments for all students, supports the development of leadership skills, and fosters statewide collaboration among LGBTQ students and allies. Members of the GSA Student Leadership Council develop and implement projects designed to make change in local schools, districts, and regions. The GSA Student Leadership Council consists of a state council and five region-based councils. During the school year, all state and regional council meetings take place bimonthly in person, from 9 AM to 1 PM.

Regional meetings are hosted at local schools and lunch is provided. Meetings are capped at 75 people, so it is essential that each student and advisor register for the event.

The Massachusetts GSA Student Leadership Council is part of the Safe Schools Program for LGBTQ Students, a joint initiative between the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth.

Statewide GSA Student Leadership Council

The Safe Schools Program for LGBTQ Students is enthusiastic to invite applications for the Statewide GSA Student Leadership Council. Students who are accepted will serve on the council until June 2025. We are seeking rising 9–12 grade level students in all regions of Massachusetts to join the Statewide Council.

The Statewide GSA Student Leadership Council is comprised of students from all regions of the commonwealth who are committed to developing their own skills to positively impact inclusive school environments. Through the exchange of LGBTQ+ and social justice knowledge, engaging in policy-related discussions and collaborating with state and local stakeholders the council aims to empower and amplify student voices to influence school climate and support for a brighter educational future for all.

2023-2024 GSA Regional Meetings

To access regional meeting dates, locations and registration information, please reach out to Gabriel Rivas Orellana .

Contact Information

Safe Schools Program for LGBTQ Students

Safe Schools Director
Jason Wheeler (he/him)

Youth Programs Coordinator
Gabriel Rivas Orellana (he/they)

Last Updated: April 24, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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