School Redesign

MA Expanded Learning Time (ELT) Districts and Schools

As of FY15, 22 schools in 11 districts participate in the MA ELT initiative, adding 300 hours to their school schedules. Each school has strategically redesigned, and continuously refines its schedule with the goal of accelerating student achievement by leveraging the additional time for core academics and targeted intervention, as well as providing time for teacher collaboration and professional development. With the inclusion of engaging, project-based enrichment opportunities for students, MA ELT schools endeavor to close the opportunity gap for students in high poverty districts in addition to enhancing their academic experience.

Districts/Schools Currently Participating in the MA ELT Initiative

DistrictSchoolYear of Initiative Entry
BostonBoston Arts Academy2007
Clarence R. Edwards Middle School2006
Paul A. Dever (Receiver - Blueprint Schools Network)2014
Young Achievers2014
BrocktonHuntington Elementary2012
CambridgeFletcher-Maynard Academy2006
Martin Luther King, Jr.2006
Fall RiverMatthew J. Kuss Middle School2006
Frank M. Silvia (North End) Elementary School2007
Carlton M. Viveiros Elementary School2008
FitchburgArthur M. Longsjo Middle School2008
GreenfieldGreenfield Middle School2007
Newton Elementary School2007
LawrenceGuilmette Middle School2014
RevereA.C. Whalen Elementary School2008
William McKinley Elementary School2012
Garfield Middle School2008
SalemCollins Middle School2014
WorcesterCity View Discovery School2007
Jacob Hiatt Magnet School2006

Last Updated: May 8, 2015