School Redesign

School Redesign Overview

The Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign supports and oversees the creation and sustainability of a variety of high quality public school options-including those that innovate in the areas of instructional practice, time, resources, and technology-to ensure that all students in the Commonwealth have equitable access to a pathway to success after high school.

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education supports the efforts of educators to improve the quality of educational services and supports delivered in schools. Key initiatives include Expanded Learning Time (ELT) Schools that use longer school days and/or years to help students meet higher performance standards (currently supported through grant funding from MA Expanded Learning Time, TIME Collaborative, and 21st Century Community Learning Centers); and Innovation Schools that are held accountable for meeting annual benchmarks for student achievement and school performance in exchange for increased operational autonomy and flexibility.

Last Updated: September 30, 2019

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Phone: (781) 338-3227
School Redesign