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Office of Public School Monitoring (PSM)

Reminder about Massachusetts Law Prohibiting the Practice of Hazing

School Year 2024-2025 Anti-Hazing Data Collection

The anti-hazing law, which was enacted in 1985, applies only to secondary schools in Massachusetts. Please note that a middle school that has been designated as a secondary school by the school committee must comply with the anti-hazing law and regulations.

Under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 269, Sections 17–19 and 603 CMR 33.00, all secondary schools, both public and private, must:

  • Adopt anti-hazing policies as part of their disciplinary policies.
  • distribute copies of the anti-hazing law to all students enrolled full-time; to all student groups, teams, and organizations that are part of or are recognized by the school, or are permitted by the school to use its name and facilities; and to all known unaffiliated student groups, teams, or organizations.

Every year, secondary school principals or headmasters must:

  • Certify that you have read and understood the Anti-Hazing policy and that the school has complied with the law by logging into the new Anti-Hazing application accessible via MassEdu Gateway.
    The schools must certify with the Department on or before October 1.
    By November 1, the Department must notify the Attorney General of any school that has not filed a report.

  • Collect a signed acknowledgement from a contact person for each student organization regarding distribution of information and agreement to comply with the law. The schools are not required to submit the Student Group Anti-Hazing Form but should keep the form for their records.

The guidance in this memorandum is intended to ensure that all public and private secondary schools meet their obligations under this important law and that students know the rules, expectations, and consequences regarding hazing. If you need additional information about the anti-hazing law and secondary schools' responsibilities, please contact Nermina Peric at or at 781-338-3708.

Last Updated: June 6, 2024

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