Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Logo
Professional Development

PD Provider: Strength & Grace Life Coaching LLC

Contact Information
Strength & Grace Life Coaching LLC
105 Redemption Rock Trl
Sterling, MA 01564

Elizabeth Simmons
Founder, Mental Fitness Coach

Provider Details
Professional Association
Teachers, Teacher leaders, School counselors, District Admin: supts/asst supts, special ed directors etc., School Admin: principals, asst principals, curriculum directors etc.
10 events or fewer
0-5 years
Brief Description of Services
Studies have shown schools that value the subjective psychological well-being of teachers, by providing adequate training to fulfil their ‘gatekeeper’ role, create the preconditions to improve the mental health of its pupils. The Mental Fitness for Educators six-week Positive Intelligence Program uses scientifically proven methods to rewire the brain from a negative mindset (limbic system, brain stem and parts of the left brain) to a positive mindset (prefrontal cortex, empathy circuitry and parts of the right brain). Through consistent daily practice, weekly videos and weekly POD meetings with fellow educators, they will strengthen their own mental fitness, while learning how to help their students do the same. Educators will be able to recognize when students are working from a negative mindset (motivated by guilt, shame, anxiety and fear) and will have the tools to help shift to a positive mindset (motivated by love, empathy, innovation and creativity) enabling them to ease the stress and/or anxiety students may feel, increase students self-awareness and self-confidence while working from a growth mindset.

Content Area(s)
Content CategoryDetailsGrade LevelsEducator Evaluation Standards
Safe & Supportive Learning EnvironmentsSchool Counseling School Climate and Culture Behavioral Health General Student Support ServicesLower Elementary (Pre-K, K, 1, 2)
Upper Elementary (3, 4, 5)
Middle School (6, 7, 8)
High School (9, 10, 11, 12)
T-II: Teaching All Students
T-IV: Professional Culture
A-II: Management and Operations
A-IV: Professional Culture

An IndividualLydia Murphy, M.Ed.
An IndividualMarjorie Kirstein Ed.D

Regions Served
No Regions Specified by Provider

Last Updated: March 1, 2015

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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