Professional Development

PD Provider: The Fab Foundation

Contact Information
The Fab Foundation
50 Milk St., 16th Fl
Boston, MA 02109

Sherry Lassiter
President & CEO

Provider Details
Non-profit Organization
Action Research, Meeting Series (committee, council, PLC, task force), Training Session/Workshop
Teachers, Teacher leaders, Coaches
Face-to-Face, Blended (Hybrid), Online
11 to 50 events
0-5 years
Brief Description of Services
The Fab Foundation provides professional development opportunities for educators to learn the use and implementation of digital design and fabrication tools to support student learning. This set of tools, which includes 3D printers, laser cutters, vinyl cutters, electronics, and other computer-controlled machinery, can enhance student learning in STEM subjects and across the curriculum, working best at the intersection of disciplines. Professional development programs are embedded in classroom practice as Fab Foundation trainers co-create and co-teach lesson plans with classroom educators directly in the schools. Other programs include hands-on teacher workshops, both in-person and virtual, that centralize technology's safe use while focusing on pedagogy and content integration. All Fab Foundation professional development opportunities include a lesson development component for educators' direct use in the classroom, and educators share lessons on the Fab Foundation's open-source platform. Through this platform, educators can also access community-contributed lesson plans and can seek additional support through our community of practice, well beyond the professional development workshop experience.

Content Area(s)
Content CategoryDetailsGrade LevelsEducator Evaluation Standards
Digital Literacy and Computer Science Upper Elementary (3, 4, 5)
Middle School (6, 7, 8)
High School (9, 10, 11, 12)
T-I: Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment
T-II: Teaching All Students
T-IV: Professional Culture

An IndividualMalden Public School District
An IndividualLynn Public School - Thurgood Marshall Middle School

Regions Served

Last Updated: March 1, 2015