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Personalized Learning

Personalized learning seeks to accelerate student learning by tailoring the instructional environment - what, when, how and where students learn - to address the individual needs, skills and interests of each student.

Within a framework of established curriculum standards and high expectations, personalized learning motivates students to reach their goals. Students take ownership of their own learning and develop deep, personal connections with each other, their teachers and other adults.

Technology is a necessary, but not sufficient, element to implement personalized learning effectively, affordably, and at significant scale. Teachers leverage technology to gain detailed and timely knowledge of their students that guides instruction. Effective use of technology allows teachers and students to focus more on creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.

Massachusetts Personalized Learning Edtech Consortium (MAPLE)

The MAPLE Consortium energizes solutions to ensure student access to personalized learning throughout public education in the Commonwealth. By building public will and connecting schools with necessary resources - professional learning, digital tools, funding strategies, and a rich evidence base - thoughtful and innovative new models of teaching and learning will scale and student engagement and achievement will improve.

New England Secondary Schools Consortium (NESSC)

NESSC is a regional partnership of six states that promotes innovations in the design and delivery of middle and high school education. Massachusetts middle and high schools have the option of joining NESSC's League of Innovative Schools (LIS), a regional professional learning community for schools. The LIS hosts state-specific and regional events for its members-secondary schools committed to educational equity, student-centered learning, and ongoing improvement.

Last Updated: November 5, 2018

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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