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Digital Learning & Technology

Soliciting applications for the Instructional Technology Specialist Subject Matter Knowledge Panel. Application due date: Friday, April 7, 2017

To:Superintendents, Principals, Educational Technology Directors, Teachers, and Other Interested Parties
From:Kenneth Klau, Director, Office of Digital Learning, Center for Educational Options
Date:March 17, 2017

The main function of an Instructional Technology Specialist (ITS) is to enable improved student and educator access to high-quality new learning models, supported by technology, that prepare them for student and school success. The adoption of the Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education in June 2016 is a significant step forward from the state's prior 2001 Instructional Technology standards upon which the subject matter knowledge requirements for the ITS license were based. The DLCS Framework incorporates and updates expectations for technological literacy, reframes those as digital literacy, and adds expectations for computer science, which is now such a critical aspect of our daily lives. Furthermore, the ITS license is proposed to be moved from a teacher license to a specialist teacher license. The proposed shift acknowledges the significant role of the ITS in catalyzing educational practice in schools to advance powerful, personalized, learner-centered experiences through competency-based, blended and online learning. Revision of the ITS subject matter knowledge requirements will involve changes that need stakeholder perspective and expert input. The new ITS Subject Matter Knowledge Panel will develop recommendations to address:
  • Subject matter knowledge requirements for digital literacy (all levels);
  • Subject matter knowledge requirements for computer science (grades K-4);
  • Subject matter knowledge requirements for coaching teachers in becoming digital age educators (all levels);
  • Public comment on the ITS subject matter knowledge requirement proposal; and
  • Professional development needs of current ITS staff members.
The Department seeks wide representation on the panel, including:
  • educators who teach digital literacy in elementary, middle, and secondary schools;
  • educators of students with disabilities and English learners;
  • educators who incorporate digital literacy in mathematics, literacy, history, economics, arts, comprehensive health, or vocational/technical courses;
  • district and school administrators, including superintendents, principals, and curriculum coordinators;
  • higher education faculty or researchers who specialize in principles of creative design, the leadership skills required to implement new technology projects, research that informs our understanding of teaching and learning, or research that informs our ability to evaluate the effectiveness of technology projects;
  • community members, including parents, school committee members, librarians, and representatives from nonprofits and organizations with an interest in personalized learning; and
  • industry personnel with experience in hiring and training employees in digital fields.
To apply to serve on the panel, please take this survey. The Department anticipates selecting 15-20 panel members. Applications must be submitted by Friday, April 7 2017. Applicants selected for appointment to the panel will be notified in mid-April. The panel will meet twice, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 and Wednesday, May 31, from 1-5 PM. If necessary, additional meetings will be scheduled. To maximize stakeholder input, the second meeting will be concurrent with a meeting of the DLCS panel. The meetings will be held in the Fatuma room at the Education Development Center in Waltham, which has facilities for full virtual participation. School district personnel must confirm administrative support before applying. If you have any questions about this panel, please contact me. Attachments:
View External Link
Application to Serve on the Instructional Technology Specialist Subject Matter Knowledge Panel
View HTML Page
2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework
View HTML Page
Commissioner’s February 27, 2017 Memo to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education: Proposed Amendments to Regulations for Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval (603 CMR 7.00)

Last Updated: March 18, 2017

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