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MCAS Performance Appeals

Instructions for Completing the Cohort Worksheet

August 2019

See Guide to the MCAS Performance Appeals Process for complete information

  1. For the student under appeal please provide the following information in the row entitled "Appellant":
    1. The student's state assigned identification number (SASID)
    2. The student's GPA for each of the course titles indicated at the top of the worksheet. Use the numerical values shown in the table below. (see Guide to the MCAS Performance Appeals Process for required courses in each subject).
    3. The highest MCAS score the student received in the subject of the appeal.

  2. For every student in the cohort group (defined as all the students in the school who took the same sequence of courses identified at the top of the worksheet at the same time as the appellant AND who received a scaled score of 220–228 on the MCAS legacy test or the equivalent score range on the next-generation English Language Arts (455–462) and Mathematics (469–476) test in the subject of the appeal), please provide:
    1. The students' GPAs for each course (using the numerical values shown in the table below)
    2. The highest MCAS score received by the students in the subject of the appeal.

Please note the following:

  • If there are less than six (6) students in the cohort, the appeal cannot be reviewed.
  • The cohort worksheet will not accept numerical grade values of 0.0 to 0.3. Grades of "F" must be assigned a value of 0.4.
  • List end of course grades only
  • Courses required:
    • ELA: English courses taken in grades 10 and 11 (grades 9 and 12 are optional); course descriptions must include literature read for the course (ESL courses that focus on language acquisition are not sufficient)
    • Math: An Algebra course (not just Algebra II) and a Geometry course; course descriptions must specify which standards in the curriculum frameworks were covered in the courses
    • STE: At least one course in the same subject as the MCAS test being appealed (biology, chemistry, introductory physics, or technology/engineering); course descriptions must specify which standards in the curriculum frameworks were covered in the courses
    If any of the required courses are not included on the cohort worksheet, a rationale must be included.
  • Include in the cohort all students who scored between 220 and 228 on the MCAS legacy test or the equivalent score range on the next-generation English Language Arts (455–462) and Mathematics (469–476) test in that subject. If the cohort exceeds 25 students, or if there are additional questions about the cohort, please email for further instructions.
    • The cohort may include students whose scores are above 228 or the next-generation score (English Language Arts 462; Mathematics 476) only where there are too few students in the cohort. A modified cohort worksheet must be used for the purpose of extending the MCAS score range and may be requested by contacting The MCAS score range should only be expanded to the minimum MCAS score above 228 or the next-generation score (e.g., English Language Arts 462 and Mathematics 476) needed to attain a cohort of at least 6 students. All students within the extended MCAS score range must be included in the cohort (i.e. if scores of 220–236 will be included, all students who scored 220–236 must be included in the cohort). When requesting a modified cohort worksheet, please indicate the highest MCAS score that will be included.
  • Course descriptions must be included for ALL courses listed on the worksheet.
  • A signature is required attesting that ALL students who took the course(s) listed on this worksheet at the same time as the appellant and scored between 220–228 on the relevant MCAS test are included in this cohort.

Cohort Worksheet Definitions

Student's GPA: The final grade for the courses identified on the worksheet (partial grades not accepted, with rare exceptions)
Median GPA of Cohort Within 220–228 (or next-generation range): The grade point average at which half the students in the cohort scored above and half below
Number of Students in Cohort: The number of students in the cohort whose MCAS scores ranged from 220–228 or the next-generation equivalent score range; this number must equal at least 6 in order to make a determination based on the cohort worksheet
Mean GPA of Cohort: The average of the grade point averages for all students in the cohort for the courses identified on the worksheet
Standard Error of the Mean: A measure of the error associated with the cohort's average GPA; calculated automatically
GPA at 2 Standard Errors of the Mean (SEM): The number calculated by subtracting two standard errors of the mean from the mean GPA of the cohort; calculated automatically

Last Updated: September 3, 2019

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