Each page of this online tool provides access to student work samples and scoring guides for one grade level and one content area (e.g., Grade 5 Mathematics). For each released constructed-response item or essay question, all student work samples and scoring guide(s) are presented in a single PDF document. The PDFs may be viewed online, printed, or downloaded.
The sample responses provided here are selections of actual student work from the spring 2023 MCAS administration. To protect the privacy of individual students, all names and references of a personal nature have been altered or removed. Otherwise, the responses appear as the students wrote them.
An overview of procedures used for scoring student responses and compositions is presented in the MCAS fact sheet, "Scoring Student Answers …."
The PDFs containing scoring guides and student work samples can be printed by accessing the print menu in your PDF viewer or browser. One way to access the print menu is to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-p on a PC or Command-p on a Mac.
Last Updated: July 27, 2023