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Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)


In 2012, Massachusetts students took PISA. Our state competed as its own "nation" along with 70+ actual nations in three subjects based on international teaching and learning frameworks: mathematics, reading, and science. In reading, Massachusetts ranked 4th; in science, Massachusetts ranked 6th; and in mathematics, Massachusetts ranked 9th. Our state, one of 50 in the nation of the United States, established itself as a leader in international education in 2012. Our results confirmed that Massachusetts did indeed have international teaching and learning standards. In 2015, over 70 nations participated in PISA and Massachusetts once again participated as a "nation". In December 2016, results from our state's participation will be released. Please take the time to view this introductory video which explains how PISA measures student success around the world.

PISA is the largest international education study in the world. Administered every 3 years since 2000, PISA measures how well 15-year-old students apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems related to science, reading, and mathematics in real-life contexts. PISA informs national discussions about education as well as provides international comparisons.


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Last Updated: May 26, 2017

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
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