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Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System

Procedures for Students Who Use a Cell Phone or Smartwatch to Monitor Medical Information

For students with medical conditions who use a cell phone or smartwatch to monitor their health (e.g., a student with diabetes who uses a continuous glucose monitor [CGM] or insulin pump, or a student with a heart condition who uses a heart monitor), DESE recommends that the school test coordinator consult with the school nurse, and that the school nurse follow the student's Individual Health Care Plan and/or 504 plan/IEP in regard to remote medical monitoring.

A student may have a cell phone or smartwatch with them during testing in order to monitor medical information, provided that the student is tested in a small group (no more than 10 students) or individually so that the test administrator can closely monitor the student and ensure that the device is not used for any other purpose.

Last Updated: December 23, 2024

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