Individuals with WIDA personal accounts are granted access to the online test administrator training modules and other WIDA publications.
Existing WIDA personal accounts:
If you already have a WIDA personal account, then it is still valid for the 2024–2025 school year. To update your account username (i.e., your email address), log in to your account, click on the "Manage" button in the upper right-hand corner, and select "My Profile." Click the "Change Email/Username" or "Change Password" buttons on the left to make changes. You do not need to create a new account, even if you have changed districts.
To obtain a WIDA personal account for the first time:
Please contact the English Learner (EL) Program Director, District ACCESS for ELLs Test Coordinator, or Principal in your school or district to obtain a new WIDA personal account. These are the individuals who can generate a new WIDA personal account for you. Please do not call WIDA or DESE to do this for you.
New District ACCESS for ELLs Test Coordinators:
The WIDA Client Services Center at 866-276-7735 or can help you set up your new WIDA personal account with District Test Coordinator (DTC) permissions. Before contacting the WIDA Client Services Center, please ensure that your name is listed as an ACCESS for ELLs Test Coordinator for the district in the Department's School and District Profiles. Contact your Directory Administrator for assistance in adding your name if it is not currently listed. Once it is listed, the WIDA Client Services Center can give you an account with DTC permissions. See the next section if you are a continuing District ACCESS for ELLs Test Coordinator.
EL Program Directors, District ACCESS for ELLs Test Coordinators, and Principals with existing WIDA accounts:
Staff in these roles will have District Test Coordinator permissions that allow them to set up WIDA personal accounts for others in the district or school, including School Test Coordinators.
An individual with School or District Test Coordinator permissions can set up a personal account for another staff person as follows:
If you have a WIDA Secure Portal account but forgot your password, click on the red "Forgot password" text on the Login home page for assistance.
If you are having trouble logging in, contact the WIDA Client Services Center at .
The WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS) supports the administration of ACCESS for ELLs tests, including entering and editing student information, managing students taking ACCESS tests, and viewing ACCESS test results. Only District Test Coordinators can create WIDA AMS School and District Test Coordinator or Educational Technology Director accounts for staff in their school or district. Existing accounts will be carried over from the previous school year.
New District ACCESS for ELLs Test Coordinators should contact DRC Customer Service at 855-787-9615 or for assistance in setting up their WIDA AMS accounts. Before contacting DRC Customer Service, please ensure that your name is listed as the ACCESS for ELLs Test Coordinator for your district on the School and District Profiles page on the Department's website. For assistance in adding your name and role to School and District Profiles, please contact your Directory Administrator.
Last Updated: November 4, 2024