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Mass Literacy

What are the state's expectations for early literacy instruction? How is DESE supporting these expectations?

The information and resources in the Mass Literacy Guide reflect the expectation that early literacy instruction (grades preK–3) use evidence-based practices for teaching reading and writing to our youngest students. DESE is supporting educators with resources such as:

  • professional development opportunities for early literacy educators
  • grants such as GLEAM and the Accelerating Literacy Learning grant for districts to purchase high-quality instructional materials
  • reviews of curricular materials to help districts make strong choices when purchasing new curriculum. High-quality literacy materials include evidence-based instructional practices.
Nicole Patton Terry
"Fundamentally, what we're asking folks to do is make decisions about instruction based on the best available evidence that we have for what should increase the likelihood that your students will learn the skills that they need to succeed in school."
Nicole Patton Terry
Professor & Associate Director
Florida Center for Reading Research at Florida State University

Last Updated: September 25, 2024

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